My road to Windows 10 - Notification area (part 2) - I don't get it

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 11:16 PM UTC

Back to the notification area: what the hell is the logic behind it? I already wrote about notifications that don't exist but are "alerted" in the tray.

Another weird thing is the "Plane mode" which should indicate if the plane mode is active or not. Plane mode means: all wireless connections should be disabled - you know that from your mobile devices.

The odd thing about this is that the indicator works completely vice-versa than the other ones: it's active when the function isn't - got it? No? Me neither.

Screenshot: notification area which tells me that plane mode isn't activated (but it looks like)
Screenshot: notification area which tells me that plane mode isn't activated (but it looks like)

Severity: just stupid

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