I am confused: since I updated to Extlib I have problems with the relational features. I think the server library is missing - or I just did not find it.
What I have so far
An update site with the new features

My application must use the com.ibm.xsp.extlib.relational.library. If I deactivate it I get errors in my page when accessing JDBC-related elements (e.g. as data source).

When I access the database on my server I get the exception

Which is quite obvious because the lib cannot be found on the server

Any ideas what is wrong here?
Thanks for your help! 
It was simple: Christian's comment said it already: I had the old 8.5.3 stuff in the updatesite - until now it does no harm. With rev. 09 of the Extlib the realtional stuff is packaged within the Extlib itself and not in a separate package. The server loaded both - and used the wrong one. So I removed the old stuff, restarted the HTTP task - and viola! Hello, RDBMS support!
The server messages should look like this