I am using Skype. I have so many conversations running there that I can't keep them all up right now. Several groups and direct contacts. Yesterday I got an invitation from Thomas Adrian, the developer of an amazing project called "Intrapages" (get it from OpenNTF right here: http://intrapages.openntf.org/). That reminded me to have a closer look at this software again. I did months ago but didn't spend much time with it. Now our conversation reminded me to try it again as a new version is available (3.0).
I installed it (a very simple process to do so) and it worked like a charm from the beginning. I also tweaked a bit in the styling and the contents so I decided to build some kind of "Intranet" with it for myself as a playground.
I faced some issues though but I was able to solve them right away due to the direct contact to Thomas via Skype. If you aren't able to contact him on this channel there is always a chance that he "hears" your PMRs on the project's site on OpenNTF. The releases are very frequent so there is a big chance that your issue will be fixed in an upcoming release.
I also set up a demo for a customer today on my server just to show the capabilities of this software. The customer was stunned about this product as it fits at a 100% to his needs! Conclusion: a happy customer and me happy to spread a project from OpenNTF again! I am working on a way to let Thomas receive the kudos (donation) from this customer project, too.