Today I got a discussion response to my OpenNTF projekt "FileSilo" regarding the readers and authors fields in a file collection (
In the collection form I defined two fields as "disabled" using custom attributes. I chose the "disabled" to get a non -editable field in edit mode as those fields must not be filled by the user directly but only with the namepicker.
Ingo Weidinger discovered a problem (thank you!): the disabled items are not stored in the document (for sure). I admit that I never tested that after that change (shame upon me) but: hail to the users of OpenNTF this problem was found! And now I show you a solution to somewhat "simulate" the "disabled" experience to a field in your form without getting into trouble.
The "ingredients" are:
some knowledge of using CSS classes
If you are using Bootstrap (in this case I do for this application) you are already using jQuery for sure. So you can achieve the disired behavior of a disabled field not to be focused by adding this to your Javascript (e.g. in the document.ready function):
I assume the "disabled" field to have the CSS class "disabled" applied:
<xp:inputText value="#{document1.fileReaders}" id="fileReaders1"
multipleSeparator="," multipleTrim="true" styleClass="form-control disabled">
This prevents the cursor to be set into the field (even with TAB).
Now to the styling: add this to your CSS to get the native styling from Bootstrap for disabled fields:
.disabled {
background-color: #eee;
cursor: not-allowed;
As these tweaks are only CSS/JS-based the field will be stored in the document as it does not have the "real" disabled attribute.
For my files I stored this one in my OSnippets section as well: